Friday, January 13, 2012


Facing history and ourselves was in my opinion a very great course to take here in Westborough High. Throughout this semester of my senior year I have learned so much and from taking this course I learned to appreciate everything im given and what I have right now. From the movies we saw throughout this course, ive seen people in the movies dying to survive for food and warmth and I learned that I should use the heat or eat my food wisely because there are actually people today who still fight for survival.
                I am a senior at Westborough high school . I like to hangout with my friends and overall have fun when im with them. I also try really hard to manage to get all my school work done so im not in a rush and stressing out. One interesting thing about me is that im Guatemalan but I was born in Boston. Im also bi lingual. I know how to speak both English and Spanish but my Spanish is decent. Im really glad to graduate this june.
                Before I even  signed up for this course I heard so many good things about this and lots of my friends recommended me that I should take this course because they really like it allot. I even heard from other teachers that facing history and ourselves was a pretty good class and that allot of kids really liked it and glad that they even signed up for that course. I really got encouraged to take this course and im glad so many people have told me to take this course.

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